Faces of Sandy


Long Islanders share their stories about superstorm Sandy and relics they have saved from the storm.

Johnnie McQueen Annette Colantropo Geovanni Alvarado Charles Mohr Caitlin Dilemme Brian Barry Theresa Berzner Matthew Paccione Rabbi Shalom Paltiel Barbara Schaffer Bill Kempner Brian Prince Nichole Landry David Henry Gail Mero Paul Lampasona Elizabeth Mastriano Kelly Harris Dina Materia Jon Siebert Richard Uber Esta Jacobskind Ashley Sorahan Danielle Marotti Tawaun Weber Radha Sachdeva-Munk Coleman Cecilia Warshaw Marty Rudolph Michelle MacMahon Naomi Corbo Stuart Lehrer Fred Krasa Stephen Sorahan Sara Paltiel Richard Lamonte Kym Smith Jesus Bottaro Susanne Morena Oliver Warren John Dussel Deanine Nagengast Marysol Alvarado Diana Gelfand-Moriah Ellen Wiewel Harold Michelman Joan Elder John Peers Pattie Calcano Fran Adelson Dawne Alvarado

Project contributors: Matthew Cassella, Tara Conry, Brittany Wait, Carl Corry, Matthew Golub, Mario Gonzalez, Mandy Hofmockel, Eileen Holliday, Martha Guevara

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