Laura Curran
Incoming Nassau Legislator

Curran has responded to Newsday's survey.

Send her a tweet or tell her what you think in the comments.


Once Curran takes office in January she will have the power to propose and vote on laws that affect the Nassau County Police Department. As a body, the Nassau County Legislature oversees the police department and can confirm or reject the county executive's choice for police commissioner. The legislature can also hold hearings and subpoena documents and witnesses.

Curran, of Baldwin, teaches yoga and has served on the Baldwin Board of Education since 2011. Her resume includes a part-time stint in the county's Communications office, and she is a former reporter for the New York Daily News and the New York Post, where her beats included politics, education and crime. She graduated from Sarah Lawrence College.


Police officers have remained on the job after shooting innocent people, falsifying police reports, lying under oath and committing other misconduct.

Is there a need for increased oversight of law enforcement?


Lawmakers with Nassau’s and Suffolk’s Public Safety Committees have not publicly discussed police misconduct since 2007.

Should the Nassau/Suffolk Public Safety Committee hold public hearings on police misconduct when issues arise?


New York City has a civilian review board that independently reviews complaints of police misconduct.

Should Nassau/Suffolk create a civilian review board?


Her comments:

Curran did not provide any comments.

What do you think?

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